Tuesday 25 November 2008

25th November 2008

Well this could prove to be the longest week in my life! I managed to get to work yesterday and was there for a whole 10 seconds before I got the phone call to come home. It turns out to be the first contractions, categorised as "False Labour". Seems pretty real to me, and Alison is having difficulty getting used to things. I can't imagine the anxiety that the wife is going through at the moment, and I probably made things a hundred times worse this morning by stressing her out, said the wrong things and then went to work. Hopefully the trip back at lunchtime and the flowers helped. I'm 100% committed to all this, just had a bit of a panic! It's difficult to leave her at home at the moment when she's in discomfort, but the more I work now, the more use I'll be later (and the more holiday I'll save - which should help in the long run).

I'm trying to plough myself into work a bit to take my mind off things, but it's difficult. Everybody keeps asking how it's going and what happened yesterday. I'll start making stuff up soon just for my own personal amusement.

In my mind this "Early stage of labour" will go on forever and I'll just keep running home at the whim of the mother of my child, but in the back of my mind I know it'll probably happen quite soon and I don't feel at all calm about it, no matter what I'm outwardly showing. I don't feel prepared, even though I've gone through lists and books and everybody's advice (TIP: Don't listen to anyone, it'll just scare you). In some ways I want it to all happen now and be over in a day, mostly for Alison's sake so that it's quick and less painful, and in some part I'll be distracted by what's going on and just get on with it. It's more the anticipation that's scaring me, then the actual drama that's going to unfold.

I feel like a bit of a spare part at times, and don't feel useful (part of the problem this morning!) and I know that all Alison needs is a hug and some support, but I feel I should be doing something practical and it's out of my control. I guess that's what it boils down to, lack of control and the unknown future....

Anyway, time to cheer up, We're having a baby!

Friday 21 November 2008

21st November 2008

An interesting few weeks since I last wrote. We were 100% going to have a Caesarian due to low placenta, but still they thought it would be good to check, and last Friday they found that miraculously it had moved enough to try for the natural birth. From a purely selfish point of view it's great news. I won't have to drive Alison around for 6 weeks and lift stuff for her, but it took a bit of getting used to as we were all prepared for having a baby on Monday 24th. Now it's back to the waiting game and see how we go.

I'm distracted at work, would much rather be at home making sure Alison isn't doing anything she shouldn't be. Still carrying on regardless although with less alcohol as I should be able to drop anything at a moments notice and drive her to the hospital. The later it goes on, the less I'll have to work in December though

All sorts of advice coming in; "It's a boy because it's out the front", "It'll be here by Wednesday" (last Wednesday mind you!), "You'll never sleep again". Getting used to the last one as a restless night's sleep is all Alison has now, and I get told off for snoring. I don't mind sleeping on the sofa as I get a better night's sleep, but she would rather I was close and awake than downstairs resting.

On to other things, we've pretty much bought all the Christmas presents, mainly cos we thought we'd be busy. Just got to pick up something for my brother, he's not usually difficult to buy for, but I just can't seem to find much this year.

Hopefully going to sit and watch lots of sport this weekend, labour depending, as I haven't been able to schedule anything in. Rugby League, Union, Football and NFL will fill my time, and I might actually try to sleep in tomorrow. Rare opportunity.

Next post might contain some news, so here's keeping everything crossed (not you Alison)

Tuesday 7 October 2008

7th October 2008

Strange couple of days, took yesterday and today off work as it was supposed to be the wife's first few days of maternity leave. She's going back to work tomorrow just for a couple of days a week until she can't waddle any more. Had the baby scanned yesterday, it's decided that it's brain is too heavy and now wants to point downwards, ready for the big push.. Today was a blood test at the hospital, as she might have diabetes, and we could do with finding out before she devours the last penguin chocolate biscuits in the house. Results tomorrow.

Wife decided that she's wants to go swimming now that she looks like a whale. So off we trotted to Reading to get a swimming costume with a special stretched bit at the front. I feel like poop today, and could have done without moving for a while, but as I'd said we'd spend quality time together, off we went. They only had one that fitted, and it was damaged, so back home again and nothing to show for it. Still, I got to watch the end of the NFL match I recorded last night, as she's now curled up asleep on the sofa.

Finished the shelves at the weekend, looks good too. Also played a great couple of rounds at Hanger Hill and managed my second best score (30). Went to play poker on Saturday evening, and made all the right decisions without actually winning anything. Trouble with playing for practically nothing, everyone wants to see cards, and I inevitably got out drawn every time. Still at least Leeds Rhinos won the Grand Final again beating the L*ncastrian Saints.

Back to work tomorrow, looks like the horrendous start of session has now subsided, and we should be able to get on with some proper work. Going out for a meal after badminton too, so that should be fun. Must remember to record the Leeds match.

Nothing much else happening at the moment. Sister turned 40 last week, much to her disgust. Brother made 39 and loved his present. Bought him 4 hours of Blues/Country/Rock concert thing (Crossroads - organised by Eric Clapton).

Managed to do a couple of jobs that I'd been putting off for months, but still got loads to do, and with barely 51 days to the due date, it's going to come quickly....

Wednesday 1 October 2008

Oct 1st

It started off as a dank and dreary morning, having to catch the train in as the car needed servicing. Dropped it off at Hondas in Ascot at 8am, and then rounded the corner to see the 0807 train departing.Grrrrr. Had a lovely seat on the platform for 25 mins as I waited for the next one. Short journey and then a walk up Egham hill. Still, it'll only cost me a few hundred pounds for them to change the oil and wipe it with a rag.

All this meant the wife had to catch the train too. Waddling across Staines first thing in the morning should be good exercise for her. Seriously though, I'll make her take it easy later.

Work today is full of excitement. I had a cup of tea first thing, and I filled out a form. This afternoon I may write up some minutes and email them......

Got Ante-natal classes tonight, more sitting around with strangers on uncomfortable chairs listening to a midwife talk about the joys of pushing a 10lb baby out of a hole the size of a cardboard tube. So glad I'm male...

The weekend isn't approaching half as quick as it should be. There's golf to be had on Saturday morning (getting in as much as I can before it's "not allowed") The rugby Grand Final between Leeds and St. Helens, which is most likely to end in disappointment as the Saints are probably better. Then off to Louis' for poker which is for nominal stakes, and will while away the evening as I take £3 profit away with me after I've taken £4 worth of snacks there.

Sunday should be quiet, although the wife has given me a list as long as my arm of things to do before the baby gets here. I think I'll be finishing shelves, painting, mowing the lawn, tidying the "nursery" or "study" as I still call it, boarding the loft and rearranging the furniture. Still, could be worse I suppose. I'm sure she'll allow me a few hours watching various sport inbetween trying to hurt my back.

Suppose I'd better get back to the grind, getting hungry and need to go and buy lunch. Enjoy your day, and don't forget to forward on all those soppy emails about "Friendship", I just love those...

Wednesday 17 September 2008

First Blog

Well here it is, finally dragging myself into the last century and using an already outdated method of communication.

No idea what I'm going to put up here, but I'm sure it will be interesting, whether it's a rant about work, socialising or the impending lack of sleep I will get when the wife drops her first baby in about 10 weeks.

So far today I've visited Huntersdale for the 3rd time this week and will no doubt be heading there again before the week is out. Huntersdale is where they've moved most of the admin staff for the university, and I've got to look after them. It's a mile down the road, so a healthy stroll is what I avoid by taking the bus. It's the start of the new term next week, so will be working on Sunday, but hopefully get some golf in on Saturday and watch some of the Ryder Cup.

Quite a few of us are heading out to the Monkey's Forehead after work tomorrow for an ale or two, to celebrate the fact that James and Owen are both escaping Royal Holloway for two very different futures.

For those of you reading this who have no idea who I am, I might give you an insight into my life as we progress, but on the other hand I may get bored and this could be the last ever post.

I'm trying to be sporty, and I run the staff badminton club at RHUL. This may have to change if baby Allsup scuppers my sleep and I have to go home every Wednesday evening. As such, I'm off to badminton now. There's a lot more to be said, but only so much time in the day...